; To add support for a new modem, you can either make changes to existing ; lines at the end of this file, or add a new line. If you add a new line, ; you must increment the number just above the lines. Each line must ; contain the following 8 items, each separated only by the symbol ^. ; ; Modem Name ; Up to 80 characters in length. ; ; Maximum Speed ; The maximum baud rate that your modem can accept commands. ; ; Modem Initialization String ; Commands that will be used to configure the modem before dialing. ; ; Second Modem Initialization String ; Enter a second (or third, etc.) modem initialization string only if ; your modem requires more configuration commands than the modem can ; accept in a single string. ; ; Third Modem Initialization String ; See above. ; ; Fourth Modem Initialization String ; See above. ; ; Connect Message: ; The message your modem displays when it establishes a connection. ; ; Flow control: ; Must be 1 for modems that use hardware flow control (CTS/RTS) or 2 for ; software flow control. ; ; Reserved value: ; Must be zero. ; ; This line and all lines above are comments. The lines below are modem data. 6 Direct Connect (Cabled)^115200^^^^^^2^1 Hayes compatible 1200^1200^ATE1V1Q0S0=0^^^^^2^0 Hayes compatible 2400^2400^ATE1V1Q0S0=0S11=55&C1&D2^^^^^2^0 Hayes compatible high-speed^19200^AT&FE1V1Q0L0&C1&D2&K3S11=55S38=0S95=2^^^^^1^0 User defined high speed^38400^AT&FE1V1Q0X4&C1&D2&K3&R0S11=40S38=0S95=3^^^CONNECT^^1^0 User defined low speed^2400^ATE1V1Q0S0=0S11=55&C1&D2^^^CONNECT^^2^0